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  1. I’m going to go clean out a closet now . I also worry too much .Thank you for always helping us keep on carrying on with life .

  2. Great post, Brenda. I hope you are feeling better soon. It won’t be long until gardening and patio weather, so hang in there.
    Best wishes, Ann

  3. Love your blog! You have given some very sound advise and I love “This too shall pass.” Hope you feel much, much better.

  4. It was great to read this post. I had a melt down this Saturday because of all the negative thoughts and worries going around in my head. The bitter cold weather just makes things worse. Thanks for the inspirational thoughts.

  5. There are times I go through a phase with a lot of stuff going on, and I realize I need to work at releasing the stress and worry. I try to find things to be grateful for, and then I get into a good spot mentally and emotionally. Then, there is someone around me who gets all bent out of shape because they don’t think I am taking things seriously! That used to get me stressed out again! But, I am getting better at just letting go of that person’s attitude too. It’s kind of funny, actually — it’s like I get one more test to see if I really am as serene as I think I am!

  6. I, too, have been ill with this crud going around. I have noticed it’s increased my worry tremendously. I feel jumpy and unsettled, probably from all the mediation. When we are autonomous it is difficult to pop ourselves out of the worry cycle…and you are right, getting outside, starting a project, calling a friend, they all help. Thanks for the reminder.

  7. I always enjoy your posts but this one really hit the nail on the head. Love the quotes and your wise words. Thanks for making the effort while you are still in the recovery process.

  8. Hey you! For some reason your blog isn’t updating in my blog roll and I was thinking you weren’t posting. I was worried about you! I clicked on your last post listed on my blog roll and it was the one about the blog reminder. Yet, all your new posts showed up when I clicked on your site. I hope you are feeling better and better!!

    1. Your words always help me so much. In 2017, i had occasions i literally got sick with worry. Trying to do better in 2018 🙂

  9. You so eloquently express the feelings. I will try to heed your advice. That said, I do appreciate all the things that are right with the world (my family, my little home) that keep me striving to resolve the root of the worries.

  10. Brenda, like so many of your commenters today, I felt like this post could have been written specifically for me. I know that worry only hurts; it doesn’t help anything at all so I don’t know why it’s so hard to stop. Thanks for your reminders! So glad you’re feeling better.

    Sherry in Little Rock

  11. I repeat the Serenity Prayer over and over. It reminds me to let things go that i have no control over, change those things I can, and prayer for the wisdom to know the difference. Powerful thoughts.

  12. You are so right 🙂 A very inspirational post. One thing that I’ve been listening to off and on while I am quilting is NDE ( Near Death Experiences ) that people have had. Lots of them to listen to on You Tube. Puts much of what we go through into perspective.

  13. Brenda,

    I needed this post. I have ALWAYS been a worrier, and as I age I am so much worse. Somedays it is so crazy because I make myself sick with worry, even though I know it is stupid and a complete waste of time.

    I too was sick and it took a full 3 weeks before I started to feel even remotely like myself. I hope that you feel better soon.

    Thank you for the beautiful quotes. Have a wonderful week.

  14. A brilliant post, Brenda ~ a reminder we all need every once in a while ~
    I’ve noticed that all the colds/viral infections and flu illnesses going around the country right now are featuring a long-lasting cough ~ be gentle with yourself.

  15. Thanks for the helpful post. Wishing better days for you. If I click on the ads on your blog do you earn money? Just checking, if you do earn than I will click. 🙂

    Take care, Janie

  16. All sound advice!
    Hope things are looking up soon.
    Feel better 🙂

  17. Brenda, this post is a great comfort to me. Lot’s of stress this past week had my nerves on edge for three days. Worry is so debilitating and such a useless waste of time. I have been reading quotes this week too. Thank you!

  18. Thank you for this post. On this dark, wet and windy January day it’s just what I needed.

  19. Thank you so much! I needed this post right now. I too have dogs to comfort me, food on the table, a warm house, and the future to look forward to. Thanks for being a friend!

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