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  1. I can completely understand why you brought Jade inside – I’d do the same thing!! Looks like the end of the week we may get a bit of spring weather – I’m so excited, and can’t wait to get outside and get started cleaning up my property!!

  2. Your pics are wonderful, Brenda.
    I’m glad Jade was indoors staying warm and loved…
    I really do think that when we name something we give it a personality and our instincts to nuture and protect just come to the surface.

  3. I do think when I name a plant it becomes more loved. Jade is a beauty with her new buds. You take great photos and I think you know your camera well.

  4. MY GOSH! Has that been six years ago that you broke your ankle? I would have guessed three. Where does time go–and it moves faster to me as I get older!
    I love your Jade plant. It is lovely and I protect my plants, too.
    I wish I had a good camera. I have been using my iPhone and it is better than the cheap camera I used to have. I am so glad you found a “new” one that you like…an upgrade from your old one but still has the same basic operating system.

    Have a wonderful Sunday, Brenda. xo Diana

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