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  1. Hope your meeting wasn’t too painful, and that you escaped without having to write large checks. Interesting facts about those common phrases. I don’t think I knew Ben Franklin was responsible for the “death and taxes” line.

  2. Dear Brenda, getting taxes done is very stressful…! I think I’m one of a few people who don’t mind paying taxes. I value the services my taxes pay for….school for our kids, a response to my 919 call, municipal water and trash pick up, road maintenance. What I object to are multimillionaire who can afford tax accountants and lawyers that minimize their tax obligations…..not paying their fair share. Sorry for my rant. It’s tax time.

  3. Brian does our taxes using Turbo Tax, but ours are simple. If they were complicated, we’d have an accountant do them.

    I know seniors can get their taxes done for free (I believe local libraries usually offer the service, or else AARP), but I don’t know if they do more complicated ones, like yours. Perhaps something to look into for next year.

  4. Brenda, here’s another meaning for “rambler”. I didn’t read the above posts so someone else might have already mentioned it but there used to be an automobile which my grandparents owned called the Nash Rambler. Nash was a make of car, not sure whether that was the name of the company who manufactured it or a subsidiary of another company. That’s my contribution to the useless info game for today! Hope your taxes turned out to be not too painful.

  5. Hmmm, who doesn’t read the dictionary and the Encyclopedia (at least, when they used to be actually published as a whole set of books). I still check them regularly on line, there always seems to be something that comes up when I’ m reading an article online or doing some research that I have no idea about or a word I don’t know, and use the handy tools online. I also have an old fashioned “reference library” set-up at home with real books. I worry about what will happen to them when I pass, as to me they are of incalculable value. I gave up trying not to step on any cracks some years ago, as the sidewalks now are not replaced as often as they used to be. Such is life. One thing I still avoid doing, though, is stepping on an ant if I don’t want it to rain. Is that just a Wisconsin weirdo thing? It is reassuring that I am not the only person in the world who looks down at the sidewalk as she’s walking.

  6. I love your rambles, Brenda. They are always entertaining and informative! Nobody likes doing taxes! We can all feel your pain there! I hope you are able to breath a big sigh of relief soon. They’ll be done, and you’ll have a whole year before you have to think about them again. I remember that saying… Step on a crack, you break your mother’s back. Step on a line, you break your father’s spine. I always avoided stepping on them too, lol. As an adult, if I’m out walking, I sometimes can feel that urge to avoid them, but then I will close my eyes, so I can’t see the ground for a brief moment, and tell myself to just walk and don’t look down, lol. That usually works. The kitties look so cute today. Enjoy some snuggles with them when you get home.

    1. I do the same thing! Feel the urge to not step on the crack, then mentally tell myself to not look down and keep walking.

  7. Rambler was also a vehicle in the late 50s,early 60s…
    I used to get tense at the annual visit to the tax man, there’s many things out of our control that could cause a problem,never could figure it though,was only my husband’s income and we always got a refund…go figure🤔
    The cats are adorable and we’ve made it to March,spring can’t be to far away,I hope.

  8. I’m stuck at painful root canals, I think that’s in my not so distant future.

    1. I don’t know what, in terms of dental care, I’m looking at. Haven’t even been because 1) didn’t have dental insurance 2) I always got shingles or trigeminal neuralgia after going to the dentist. So I just stopped going. I know that was probably a huge mistake.

  9. Where The Forest Meets The Sky is a wonderful book. I was so invested in her characters I kept checking the percentage of book left because I didn’t want it to end😔. I have already placed a pre-order for her third book.
    Rambler brought to mind automobile, which reveals my age group😁
    Your info about the sounds Ivy makes solved a mystery for me. Occasionally at night I hear Misty give out a mournful howl, and now I can relax about it.
    I love your kitchen, and have the garden shed sign in my Amazon cart.
    I am so excited to see what you do with your shade garden there, and what your neighbors are doing in your new lovely place to live.

  10. I would guess you were a very good student in school. You must have had so much knowledge by the time you graduated!

  11. I also like to look things up…used to do it via the encyclopedia (still have those World Books). Now I use google. I think I am also a rambler…in other words, a stream of consciousness.

    1. Well I’m glad. Because it’s not like I’m giving out information during those rambles that anyone could actually use.

      1. You never know, Brenda, what might prove a flash of insight or a moment of inspiration to someone else.

  12. I started doing my taxes on turbotax about 6 years ago and am so happy with it. I love that it brings forward the previous years information automatically. No chasing down numbers and I finally stopped itemizing a couple of years ago so it’s so much shorter. Good luck with yours.

    1. Mine is kind of complicated because being a blogger, my home is my place of work. So there are all those deductions I can take for rent, utilities, etc. And then there are the write-offs like decor, computer, camera.

  13. You remind me of the movie with Jack Nicholson “As Good as it Gets”. Have you seen it? Hilarious!! Glad you’re back 😜. This Brenda cracks me up!!

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