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  1. Brenda, this is totally off subject, but does your red bread box have a hint of orange in it? I ordered one from Walmart that was described as red, but it is more in the orange family. I wanted a true red.

  2. Good Sunday morning to you Brenda,
    it’s officially “Fog-tober” (October) here in western Washington state. Our fog banks are reaching much deeper inland and everything is deeply wet first thing in the morning. My dog Lucy, and I have a little bathroom walk down our country road. The visibility from the fog is almost zero. I can’t even see my mailbox from my front door. I’m wearing a reflective rain poncho and my milking boots and my miner’s light. I have my “pooper scoop” and bags to take care of my “Lucy’s business !”
    The last two pictures of your garden post are so pretty! I have such a love of the yellow-gold color in clothes, flowers and textiles. I am very taken with the plant with the purple leaves at the top of the second to the last picture. Could you share the name of the plant if you know it….
    Thank You

    1. I am not Brenda but I believe the plant you are referring to is a purple potato vine.

  3. I still have some zinnias and marigolds blooming that I planted sometime in July. (I need to have a gardening calendar to note when I plant things.) We have lots of birds but we have several bird feeders and also some sunflowers to attract them. The butterfly bushes are still attracting some butterflies.

  4. Hi Brenda,

    I have enjoyed your patio garden this year. As always your photos are lovely. It must be so cheerful to look outside and see the colorful blooms and vegetables growing.

    Do you think you can do a post with what you plant that is successful? Can you list by type of plants (seed v. plant) (vegetable v. flower), size ( 1 gal. v. ?), what amenities you add, etc. ?

    Thanks so much.

  5. Happy Sunday Brenda. Not sure what is going on with your site but I had a written comment and with all the pop ups and it jumping around it disappeared. Weird! So I will try this again. I am glad you still have some of your flowers going. Mine are done now here in Illinois. Sad to see them go. Have a great week.

  6. I posted a nice little response and then the internet started jumping around and it all disappeared.
    I am one of the new camp followers, and I have finally caught up enough to understand why you don’t have an oven. I have a friend in Hawaii who has an “apartment” with no kitchen and she uses a toaster oven and a hot plate.
    I envy your green thumb. Your garden is so green and vibrant. Have you already talked about your camera? If so, point me to the post. If not, tell me more about it. I did read that you are mostly self-taught. How did you decided upon this particular camera. How long have you loved taking pictures?
    What are your plans for today? I am in a different time zone and my day is just starting. My plan is to can a batch of applesauce. A canning supply shortage this season so I have to be choosey about how I use them.

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