Search Results for: water garden

House Plant Love

House Plant Love

I have a condition, a pleasant one at that, and I call it “House Plant Love.” I’ve had it most of my life. Greenery and nature make me happy. From my early twenties onward I collected house plants wherever I could find them and nurtured them. I was too busy with young children back then…

The Beeping Siege Has Now Ended

The Beeping Siege Has Now Ended

It was a nail-biter for sure, but the beeping siege has now ended. It was touch and go with my sanity for two days while the beeping siege relentlessly dragged on. If you want to drive someone and their dogs absolutely nuts, hiding a beeping object in their house will do the trick. Had To…

Six De-stressing Techniques

Six De-stressing Techniques

Here are six de-stressing techniques to practice when you are constantly stressed and in need of relaxation. As you already know, stress keeps us upset and irritated. It also affects our overall health. Stress hormones are the same ones that trigger your body’s “fight or flight” response. Your heart races, your breath quickens, and your…
