Search Results for: shade garden

It’s All About Timing

It’s All About Timing

Charlie and I have had our morning patio stroll. I may have to move the plants out of the center of the patio because the purple sweet potato vine seems to be getting really stressed in the afternoon. If I do that I’ll probably have to come up with a different place to put the…

Easy Bird Bath Ideas & Tips

Easy Bird Bath Ideas & Tips

(Revised & Updated July 13, 2023) Over the years, I’ve loved watching the birds come to my yard. By providing water, I’m doing my part to help them stay hydrated. I choose to provide a natural source of food instead of putting out bird seed. By choosing plants for my yard that produce seeds or…

My Patio Arrangement

My Patio Arrangement

I’m taking muscle relaxers and a steroid to get the swelling down in my hands, shoulders and neck, so as soon as I felt a bit better I was outside doing. I love to be outdoors this time of year when it’s cool outside. I went back to the nurse practitioner Tuesday and we think…
