Search Results for: office decorating

Ideas For Small Living Room Furniture Placement

Ideas For Small Living Room Furniture Placement

(Updated on September 3, 2023) It is always more difficult to arrange your living room furniture if the space is small. You have to figure out how to maximize the space you have and arrange your furniture accordingly. In some instances, you might need to carve out an area for a desk. This is if…

Living Simply: Part 1 – Vintage Trailers

Living Simply: Part 1 – Vintage Trailers

I’ve been researching ways to live more cheaply. This is the first installment in my series on Living Simply Part 1. In my research I found that some people live in small vintage trailers, converted buses and tiny homes. Some even live in yurts. Yurt: a tent-like dwelling consisting of a cylindrical wall of poles in…

What Happens At A Magazine Photo Shoot

What Happens At A Magazine Photo Shoot

Do you ever wonder what happens at a magazine photo shoot? Well, I was filled with anxiety over this very thing yesterday. But Franklin and Esther, the man and wife team (he photographs; she styles) could not have been nicer. I felt like they were old friends by the end of what turned out to…

Why We Move Things Around

Why We Move Things Around

Have you ever thought about why we move things around? My post title is actually a rhetorical statement. Because I truly don’t know why we have this tendency to move our furniture all over the house. I’m happily divorced now. I think I’ve learned my lesson after failed marriage #3. Maybe I’m a slow learner…
