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  1. ‘First I got myseIf born’ I have to say that the wording of the first sentence immediately brought to mind a Victorian epitaph that I read about years ago …. so poignent with a tiny bit of sass and disappointment, maybe. It was the grave of a tiny baby in old London and on it was inscribed ‘If I was so quickly done for what on earth was I begun for’
    So Brenda, I am wondering if the book is set in old England or in the American south, present time or the past. Look forward to hearing more.

  2. To me it sounds like an older person starting to tell the story of their life and basically they have felt they’ve had no help with anything and have felt all alone, making their own way in life. But, I feel it is an odd sentence and does make me think, hummm.

  3. I think it sounds like an older person from the South. Aside from that I cannot tell. I cannot wait to read the other comments. And I have this book on my list to read so I am anxious to see who you liked it.

  4. I’ve read this book and I know who is saying this, but upon first reading, I’d think it was either an older, uneducated child, particularly from the south, or else an elderly, uneducated person telling their story.

  5. I think it’s an older man telling the story of himself as a young man.

  6. I’m going to comment before reading. My first thought was that the person is young and lives in a rural area, maybe on a farm. I had no sense whether they are male or female but then I started thinking that maybe they were old and reflecting on their life and then I thought male.

  7. I too am commenting before reading the others! To me, it seems like a woman saying this… older, maybe in her 40’s. I feel she says this with some “tongue in cheek” like… “I’ve been through alot, but before I went through it, I was born”. Just my take on it! Marilyn

  8. It suggests to me that the person, one of some age, looks back at a life with little support from others. She (it’s a woman) has a sense of smugness over what she overcame and accomplished to end up happy and successful. It’s a “ living well is the best revenge” statement.
    Now I’m going back to read the comments of others. I didn’t want to be influenced by those before expressing my own.
    Love this challenge!

  9. Makes me think of books I have read that took place in the Appalachia or a poor area where there was little education. Maybe a young woman telling the story of her life thus far. Think it will be sad.💕

  10. “First I got myself born”. I sense that this was written by an older teen, young twenties. This person endured a difficult childhood and perhaps feels that his/her dysfunctional mother blames him/her for their poor circumstances.

  11. “First I was born” and”First I got myself born” seem very different to me. “First I got myself born” says to me that the writing is narrative and reflective so probably an older person looking back at their life. The “I got myself” portion of the sentence conveys to me a child who was seemingly on their own from a very young age (birth) and who became adept at taking care of themselves in order to survive. I see hardship but also hope. The grammar conveys that the people/place at birth were unsophisticated and/or that the narrator’s early years were such. I am familiar w Barbara Kingsolver’s work but I do not know this story. I rarely read fiction anymore and this makes me want to go back to it!

  12. Okay, without reading anybody else’s comments, that first sentence signaled to me that the baby about to be born was already sentient and had a mentality developed enough to understand that it would have to go through the birth process, not generally a pain-free event for either mother or the baby being muscled down the birth canal. Maybe something to do with reincarnation. As for time or place of the event or the gender of the baby who first had to be born to come into this world, no clue. The book title doesn’t offer any clues to me. Christians generally associate a serpent with evil, but many other cultures around the world associate serpents with a renewal of life (the skin shedding and growing of new skin represents the cycle of life/death/rebirth), the development of mental acuity and learning/education – enlightenment. Many of the founding fathers of the United States used the symbol of the Ouroboros, an ancient symbol of rebirth and eternity out of Egyptian beliefs. In Norse belief, a serpent or a dragon scrolled into the figure eight on it’s side with its tail inside its mouth represented eternal death and rebirth. If anybody here remembers the old television program “Ben Casey,” the show opened up with a hand drawing on a blackboard the symbols for “man, woman, birth, death, infinity” and infinity was that “sideways” number eight. I am probably way off the path, but it is an interesting first sentence.

  13. First I was born, sounds much different than “I got myself born.” It sounds as if the person speaking was on their own, without help from a Mother. I don’t know, it sounds odd to state your birth with these words.
    Maybe words from a child.

  14. I also got the impression we are about to hear a story about someone’s life, possibly being told in their afterlife, as no one can actually remember being born. I don’t like the cover of the book either. They say you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, but as it’s your first impression of a book, I think it should be a better representation of what’s to come inside. You want me to like your book, make it attractive to me, to catch my attention and hold my interest. I know some stories are great, despite what the cover looks like. In that case, it’d had better have a good description on the cover somewhere, to draw me into it and make it worth my while to read. The first sentence does sort of peak one’s curiosity. I hope you enjoy the book, and I look forward to hearing all about it.

  15. It sounds like science fiction. Like an “alien” changed into a human form to fit in. So that it can study or try to alter human life.

  16. Old man about to tell his life story to a child.

    Story telling isn’t always about a persons education but how the person chooses to relate to someone. Sometimes it is to show off eductions and other times just a simple way to communicate a feeling about the story that follows.

    I was disappointed the first word wasn’t a long drawn out ‘Well’. as in ‘Well (long pause), first I was born’. I read it that way in my head anyway!

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