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  1. Focus on staying hydrated. Dehydration can worsen digestive issues, so ensure you’re drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day.

  2. Hi Brenda. I just wanted to say thank you for working so hard to put together these posts when you are feeling so bad. I’m so sorry you are still feeling rotten. I hope your doctor has something helpful to say when you talk to her. Keep resting as much as you can. That’s when your body does all its healing. And stay hydrated. That’s important too. I love the picture of Ivy. She looks so regal sitting there, like she’s posing for a formal, royal painting. She has such an adorable personality.

  3. Brenda, I may have mentioned to you, a few weeks ago, don’t remember. I and my husband were sick the entire month of January. I didn’t leave the house, and husband just went out to the grocery store.
    But wanted to let you know, everything you are dealing with now, is just what we were going through. We both got the flu shot in October. We didn’t have covid here tho.
    Neither of us were ever sick before, for that length of time, and both together at the same time. We had a cough and sneezing too, and just like you we were always cold . We couldn’t figure out what was going on with us, a bad cold or what. We are fine now, but maybe it is just something in the weather or whatever. Hope you are feeling better too, very soon. Hugs from Wisconsin

  4. Brenda, take care of yourself. I am worried about you as are all of your followers.
    I am sure that you are doing all that you can so all I can offer are my prayers.

    Ivy looks adorable.

    Take care, Elizabeth

  5. There are several things that could be going on…you could have long Covid; the rapid tests could be false-negative (they have a high rate of being so); or you could be having adverse reactions to those vaccines you had. Best to talk to your dr as soon as possible and get professional help with what’s going on with your body. In the meantime, have you been trying to keep healthy and your immune system strong in natural ways? (Sunshine and fresh air, lots of fruits and veggies, no fast food, no white bread/flour, a vitamin C and D supplement every day, maybe some gentle chair yoga movements?)

  6. I’m sorry you are still so sick Brenda. How frustrated you must feel. You may be experiencing long COVID. From what I understand, the symptoms occur after the body has been cleared of COVID virus, but the virus has caused damage to various parts of the body which may or may not be permanent. As of the end of 2023, one in ten Americans who contracted COVID-19 showed symptoms of long COVID. Medical research into Long COVID is still in a very early stage, but that 10% estimate of how many people in the U.S. alone are now suffering from long COVID is staggering – and at present we have ZERO treatments, and little to no knowledge on how long symptoms may last. Stick with what your doctor is telling you to do but personally, I would go online and do some research for myself. I also suggest you not introduce anything into your diet or take anything suggested as a possible palliative or cure for your symptoms without first checking with your doctor and getting an OK on it.

  7. I wish I had some sage advice but sadly I do not. Keep doing everything your doing, especially resting and hopefully you’ll start to feel better when you least expect it. I’ll continue to send healing thoughts.

  8. I just did an internet search:
    “According to a study by the Pew Research Center, about 27 percent of American seniors live solo, similar to what’s found in the rest of North America and Europe, but 10 percentage points higher than the global average.”
    So, more than 1 out of 4 elders are taking care of themselves. I’m now 73, and as soon as my back stops giving me trouble, I’ll seek the help of a physical therapist/trainer to “get in shape.”

  9. There are a few doctors who know that it is much safer to administer vaccines, for a single disease…not chumping a bunch up together. That is very risky, especially if you are immune compromised in any way. So number 1, IF at this age, you feel you must have them, insist on doing for only 1 disease at a time, separated by some weeks. Then if you get a bit ill, your body is only fighting 1 fight at a time!! Actually you have better coverage to being safe from a disease, if at some point you had the disease. It makes sense to get immunized for polio, as it is such a dangerous disease, but the lesser ones, why cause your body trouble…when perhaps you are already immune from your childhood diseases? I had a lot of illness in my first 12 years…but when my grandkids were little, if anyone fell ill, it was ME they asked to come help. I never caught whatever they had. Well, I would hope to shout all that illness as a child was good for something. Yes, I avoided the covid shots and got it twice…but I was not hospitalized nor even went to the doc. I felt like crap but it passed. I have asthma so if that had been too badly affected I would have gone. But I do believe in this country one ought to have choices…and if you think taking shots helps, go for it. I prefer taking a lot of supplements, which I have for the past 35 years…adding some here and there, dropping some at times if it seemed not helpful. I have not been super ill, except with covid twice, in my adult life, from illnesses that one can catch. Even taking some good Vitamin C will do wonders. Chewing xylitol gum does a lot to help kill germs that come into the mouth, etc. IF in the store someone is coughing, I grab some xylitol gum from my purse and start chewing. When I got covid it was not from the store…as we stayed away for a long time. I still believe it came via the town water where we were, as was reported was happening to others. Being ill is lousy, Brenda, but keep researching for ideas of what you can take yourself like supplements, that will build up your immune system. There are some great youtube docs with many ideas. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!

  10. This reminds me of 2020,my daughter had a spinal fusion and being her system wasn’t 100% she came down with Covid x 2,she also had the GI symptoms as well as fatigue and body aches.
    I worked in healthcare and there’s not much that makes me nervous but I was very scared and begged her to go to the ER,which at the beginning of Covid no one wanted to do that.
    She eventually got better but it seemed to take awhile.
    Has your doctor tried Paxlovid? I sometimes wonder how accurate these home tests are,my cardiologist had a similar experience to you,thought she was dying,slept for 24 + hours!
    Will keep you in my prayers for recovery to start soon.

  11. I just told myself hope the Sunday snippet is ready…so sorry you are still not feeling well…I ordered one of the books you told us about at my library…they are getting it from another one…could you tell me the name of the book with 2 children on the front…just their lower bodies…think it was from world War 2…I tried to go back and find it with no luck.. sounded very good…my library has a section of books you can just have.. I got several the other day…then I pass them on to friends or donate them. I see Kristan Hannah has a new book coming out…I know you have read some of her work…I am so ready for Spring…decorated my mantel for Spring…shopped my house. My daughter got me new birds at Hobby Lobby..cannot wait to get them…they were so reasonably priced compared to ones on line and adorable…bless you…feel better soon…so enjoy your blog💕

    1. next walmart order get ginger beer. It is not a alcoholic beverage. It’s like root beer only with ginger. As soon as a sip hits my stomach it calms right down. The only thing that helped get me through covid.

  12. Hi Brenda,

    I have been ill with flu/pneumonia since January 1st and am finally starting to feel better. All that is left is the coughing. I have been to the ER or urgent care SIX times and am so sick of being sick and taking SO many medicines. I had taken all my vaccines so no Covid, etc. for which I’m thankful. The good news out of all this is that I’ve worked on my budget, organized every single drawer in my home and napped more than I can say.

    I hope you improve soon. Ivy is such an adorable lump of fur….I have a little doggie, Zoe, a coton du tulear and I’m so happy to have her in my life. My little doorbell.

    Feel better soon. I just started feeling a little better two days ago so am grateful for that.

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