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  1. Brenda, I admire how you find joy in the small things, it’s not hard to do but sometimes it just doesn’t come naturally to me. Your zinnia flower is so beautiful!! The color alone is fabulous but the shape seems to be as near to perfect as it can be. Your post encourage me to take a bit of time every day to enjoy and notice the smaller things. You’ve created an oasis for yourself and your fur babies…. I know Ivy enjoys it even if she doesn’t venture outside. I thoroughly enjoy your sense of wonder… it’s a wonderful gift you can give to yourself and others. We can all use some extra cheerfulness these days.

  2. Oh! Love your post Brenda! So nice how to describe lovely things. Ivy looks adorable peeking out the French doors!
    Most likely afraid. She could get used to the patio though.
    Possibly risky. Well, glad Charlie is able to enjoy the garden!
    Exercise helps him maybe.
    I must say, everything looks wonderful,,,,,, just beautiful!
    Our yard is looking pretty nice also. Soon we will eliminate a few things ,,,,, plants that cannot grow any longer. Our butterfly bush has lots of pink blooms. It’s all very big this year!

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