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  1. Unlike Emie, I think the prayer plant with the red would look better in that pinkish pot. The underside of the leaves have almost that same color. All are lovely plants. I wish you would have taken a photo of how they are shipped. pam

  2. You are so right about all the adjustments as we age…you surely are! We are in a constant flux here too…I am sorry you may not be able to garden outside now…I hope in time you might be able to…try to think ahead to next year too, if you can. We just heal so much slower. Wish you could find someone doing the type of laser treatments we are getting…it is surely helping several of our issues, and pain too!!

  3. I love the pots you’ve picked out , they’re so pretty , yet simple ! I’ve never named my plants , what a fun idea !

  4. That’s a beautiful plant, Brenda! The touches of red are fabulous!
    I like the idea of naming them. I may have to do the same with the three I have. LOL
    Have a great day – focus on everything good in your life.

  5. Beautiful plants! I remember a few years ago when you weren’t able to buy “extra” things. I am so glad that you are able to buy these beauties now. That is one of the good things that happened in your life.
    We are suppose to get more snow tonight. But I do see green on the rose bushes. Mother Nature always straightens things out.
    Have a great day.

    1. I’ve had some good years. Since the first of the year I’m making a lot less money. I don’t know quite what it is but I guess it’s the advertisers. I’m making about half as much as I was making. But I’ve saved money.

  6. Brenda, your mystery plant is sure a fun plant to receive, as a mystery. I ‘ve never heard of a red Maranta plant, or even a prayer plant, before.
    I think I like this more than the African Violet. It is so pretty with the colored leaves. Bet it becomes one of your favorites, but I know you will enjoy them all. I may have to purchase one for myself.

    1. The prayer plant has so many different shades and colors that it makes them quite interesting.

  7. Oh, what a pretty plant. I’m really impressed with the quality and size of all the plants you got. They’ll all be so beautiful in the new pots you bought. You may not be gardening outside, but you’re well in your way to gardening inside. See, you made it work. You are resourceful like that!

  8. I love all your new houseplants! The mystery plant looks good in the turquoise pot and the red in it will be right at home w your decor:-) I sometimes repackage a large bag of potting soil into smaller containers – sometimes in the plastic pots that new plants come in – then I set them inside a box and it is simple to grab a small amount when I need it for my inside plants. I hope your perennials come up – a great way to get “new” plants each year! If you can manage it, a nice container of kitchen herbs will give you herbs for cooking and smell good on your patio! Maybe your housekeeper or her huband could help w the potting if needed? To some degree we are always accepting changes in our lives and some are not easy; but finding replacements as you said and counting our blessings will add much to accepting changes or challenges that come w aging. A wise old Chinese proverb: “I cried because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet”.

    1. Good idea about storing the potting soil. I’m ordering soil in smaller bags nowadays. Love the proverb! How wise.

  9. The prayer plant is gorgeous. I would try it out in the pink pot to highlight the beautiful fuchsia color in the leaves. The structure of your patio and yard don’t make it possible for you to garden given your damaged ankle restricting your movement outdoors with potential trip hazards. I saw a video on Youtube a few days ago that showed an open shelf bookcase loaded with plants standing at a 90 degree angle (on a corner wall) to a large patio door – the plants received lots of light through the door. It was like a wall of plants but easier to tend to and move the plants around as needed because the plants weren’t planted inside pockets on a wall planter or in pots hooked to a wall planter. Our winter isn’t over in SE Wisconsin yet. We may receive somewhere between 4 to 6 inches of heavy wet slush and snow overnight. Ugh.

  10. Such a vivid colorful plant and super healthy looking too! I truly love the pots you got from Amazon, – just the right amount of color. The idea of a mystery plant is intriguing as well.
    It is doubtful I will plant anything new outside this year due to chronic pain/illness. I will make just one exception. My 22 yr old Molly Kat took her trip to the rainbow bridge yesterday. She is buried at the end of our front porch in a flower bed. She would sit on the front porch and watch the chipmunks run around down there. We no longer have chipmunks and she stopped going out on the porch after they disappeared. (Owls or hawks got them most likely). Anyway, she will get a small bed of blooming perennials planted over her so I will see them from my spot on the porch and remember her sitting in my lap watching chipmunks and birds. I bet some of your perennials will come back this year and you will have a garden anyway with them. Enjoy your house plants!

    1. I’m sad for you, too, that you had to say goodbye to your Molly Kat!

    2. Oh Gail, I’m so sorry. What a loss. But you loved her till her death at 22 years of age. That says a lot. You sound okay, but I know in your heart you’re hurting terribly, and I hurt for you.

    3. So sorry about your Molly Kat. It is a nice way to remember her by planting flowers. We lost our 19 year old cat last year. He loved to sit in the sun on the border of our flower bed.

    4. Gail, sorry for the loss of Molly Kat. She was lucky to have you care for her!

  11. It is better to plan ahead to ensure joy! We have 3 more days with our only 2 grandchildren before they move from Virginia to Texas for at least 4 years. Just now, after reading your post saying to mother and name your plants, I wonder if that’s why I have had the urge to acquire more plants to dote over. Enjoy your day and plan to get herb houseplants! Maybe you could pop them right outside your patio door if there is enough sun.

    1. That may be what’s behind your urge. I think our minds skip on ahead of time and tries to soften the blows. Dote over some more plants.

  12. That aqua colored pot is the perfect choice for the prayer plant. There’s just enough contrast to show off the colors of the plant and make them the star of the show. I’m glad you’ve had a good experience. It gives me the confidence to try it myself. Thanks!

    1. We have to deal with what we had not planned on. That, I guess, is the acceptance of aging. It hurts that I most likely won’t be planting pretty colorful flowers. Try some house plants, Emie!

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