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  1. I like stories of determination to change their lives. I am not too interested in people who follow a bad path of destruction to themselves and their surroundings and whine how the system has failed them. Accountability makes you stronger and able to face consequences for your actions so I applaud these many social workers and volunteer groups who work to give those who don’t think they can catch a break, a chance to work at changing. Life is too short to waste it so I prefer upbeat shows. Hallmarks Christmas movie last night had a bit of light intrigue in it so very entertaining for an evening.

    1. Seems responsible to do. Even if you are from a neglectful home life.
      Although very difficult in countless ways.
      You must try and be strong.
      Always destructive to abuse drugs.
      People do this to escape their pain.
      Alcohol abuse is also horrible.
      Very glad I was able to escape drugs and alcohol.
      Was never into drinking or drugs.
      Couldn’t afford either.
      I’ve been watching Hallmark holiday movies also.
      Colorful and always cheezy!!!
      They decorate to the max on the those films!! 😃
      Most of us I’m sure, have lives that are not Hallmark oriented!!!

      1. I never fell into the alcohol/drug trap either. I’m so grateful that I didn’t and neither did my daughters, thank goodness.

  2. I’m very, very intrigued with Keri Blakinger’s story and plan to check with our library for it’s availability. I simply must look up Isabel Paige.
    Like J I prefer happy and lighthearted stories and movies however that doesn’t mean I don’t watch or read meatier things on occasion.
    My contract with Direct TV is finally done and I’m looking forward to changing the way I watch TV. I’ve been paying way too much money for the four channels I do watch and enjoy. I just need to make some decisions regarding what I do want to stream. Needless to say, I’m very excited about these changes.
    What are your favorite streaming channels, Brenda?

    1. I have Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime. I watch Netflix series a lot. But there are also good ones on both Hulu and Prime, as well as movies.

    2. This is a good time for me to change from Direct TV, too. I want to see answers to your question.

  3. U forgot to mention even when they’re trying to make a better life for themselves, they always get pulled in the station when someone commits a crime. I watched a few of those shows before. I rather watch upbeat shows, comedy shows, dancing and of course the Christmas Hallmark movies are back on. Yay!
    I like a lot of utube channels too! That was epic where this guy goes around and gives money to ppl to pay their rent and bills, buys out two shops and gives a ton of kids boards seeing the smiles on their faces was epic. Some kids had to do like a 360 on their boards or some other kind of trick and he gave them even more boards!

    Isabel Paige built and designed her little house and lives in the mountains where she plants a garden, weaves, sews, builds things, makes yummy desserts and shows beautiful horizons…

    There’s others but I can’t remember the channels right now!
    I hope everyone is having a great day today! It’s raining here.

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