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  1. Brenda, this is a well written thought provoking post. There are so many that life in chronic pain or have grown older and their world has shrunk.
    My mother-in law is 96, we just moved her out of her 2 room assisted living facility to my sister-in-laws house. My MIL is living in one room and occasionally comes downstairs. Her world over the last 3 years has gone from a 4500 sq ft house to an 1800 sq ft condo a year ago to a 2 room set up at assisted living that she hated and not one room. The last 3 years her #1 complaint was feeling useless and having nothing to do, aside from watching tv, doing puzzles, working on crosswords, etc. She missed working or feeling useful and she missed human connection.
    All of that is to say, you are doing it right. You are resting when needed, having supplied delivered, visiting with friends and enjoy the things you love in small does. Keep it up, you are doing great.
    HAve a wonderful weekend Brenda, enjoy your cake.

  2. I know it is hard to be optimistic living with pain. It is nice to read about ways to power thru the day. My joints don’t bother me but I have lower back ache’s mostly in the morning and chronic muscle aches. Thinking back, I had pain and little by little it increased along with feeling fatigued. I was never really diagnosed and it is just a normal everyday thing. I do get discouraged seeing everything that needs to be done while I just want to rest. Things change and we slow down, it is what it is. Meatloaf sounds great. Take care. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Thank you Brenda for sharing what you are learning and what you have learned as your life changes. You have been a very kind writer for so long and today writing about Learning to Live With Pain not only brings my tears but also tells me is ok to make changes so that I can sooth my pain as I plan/figure out how I am going to use what I learn from you today to be part of my own changing life routines. Thank you Brenda.

  4. I use the delivery service that WM offers. Do you have someone that brings in your groceries and helps you put them up?

  5. Very thought provoking post, Brenda. There’s only so much we can do in any given day so we have to do what brings joy. I’m a huge believer in keeping my hands busy but I don’t have the hand challenges you have. However, putting a puzzle together would be fun, pulling out a coloring book and crayons would be a great way to while away the hours. You know if you set up a puzzle on your dining room table your neighbors could come in and enjoy adding a piece or two when they drop by. Oh, that sounds like fun! Keep that in mind. Enjoy the rest of your day and week end.

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