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  1. Poor Charlie, he does not look happy at all. Cats are so peculiar, if we could only get inside their thoughts for a few minutes. Of course, it would probably make no sense whatsoever…LOL The book sounds interesting, I will have to keep an eye out for it. Love and hugs!

  2. It is curious how cats can seemingly jump straight up and down. You’d think they had springs in their little paws. But being instinctive hunters it makes sense that they’d need to move suddenly in order not to give your prey any warning or chance to run and escape. Our domesticated felines don’t factor for the reality of not being in the wild. They just do what they are wired to do. Around here, though, you don’t see any springing into the air by the two old lady cats that live at my house! The younger one is a good mouser but I think the mice are a bit dull plus they don’t have much of a clear path to run! Sleeping and eating are the ladies’ main activities now.

    I so hope your slider gets repaired soon. And your little heater not turning off automatically is a worry. Just be sure you keep it away from anything flammable, especially at night while you are sleeping. Maybe with the new money coming in it is time to think about replacing it. It would be so awful for you and the fur babies to suffer a fire.

    The new book sounds like a nail-biter! I tend avoid those because I mostly read in bed at night and I sometimes get the willys if the story has a lot of tension and suspense in it. In fact, I’m reading Sally Field’s autobiography, “In Pieces” right now and some of the things she describes at the mercy of her step-father growing up give me a case of nerves. I had to put it down and read something else for a few nights. I just couldn’t deal with it. Now that I’ve picked it up again the story is farther along and not so full of the abuse so I’m not experiencing as much anxiety. Does that kind of thing ever happen to you, Brenda?

    Off to bed. Take care and pats to the fur babies.

  3. Thanks for the book suggestion. Don’t rush into anything as that patio of yours is a true gem.

    Carol and Molly

  4. Oh, Brenda, please don’t do anything in a hurry. Give your new income a six-month settling in period. See how things work out. Maybe, see if you can save a bit of cash as a ‘cushion’, for whatever the future holds. It would feel good to have that extra bit of security in place, whatever you decide to do eventually.
    When the time to move is right, you will know. The only thing one makes in a hurry is a mistake. You have plenty of time ahead of you.
    Please, for now, just relax in knowing that things are going better.
    Your fur babies are so lovely, side by side.
    Blessings, Corinne

  5. Miss Ivy Lou pounces because she is instinctively a huntress. Anything that moves or flutters or wiggles is fair game and irresistible to her feline mind.

    Love today’s pics of them.

  6. There better question to ask other than “Why” because that usually starts a conflict or argument with yourself or others.

  7. Have you watched Jackson Galaxy on Youtube? He’s a cat behaviorist and wonderful. He also has a book giving his backstory. A great guy and very interesting

  8. Moving is very hard on the nerves and with you having all the pain with your neck and hands I think maybe you should wait and see what happens first .Talk to your manager and put a bug in her ear that you are very disappointed in the service perhaps she will get on the repair asap .
    Also mention this to Nathan he will pass the word to management .Also you have your apartment looking so great it would be a shame to leave it I think .
    Last but not least it is extremely hard on pets (Google it ) !
    Just thoughts for you to consider .
    I hope they get your door fixed ASAP !
    Hugs to all !

    1. Also, it might be hard to find a place with such a large patio. We know how much you love to garden and create your on little oasis on that large patio area. Looking forward to seeing what all you plant this spring! Charlie looks like he might be wishing he could have his blanket back to crawl under.

  9. Is the book based on a true story? Sure sounds like it might be! The world is more dangerous than one might think, especially for being in the USA.
    Well, Spring will soon arrive…and now that you will have money…sounds like moving might be a very good idea indeed!! Hope you find something very nice!!

  10. I had to smile at Charlie, it’s as if he is thinking “Good Grief”. The book, Dear Wife, sounds very good. Going to Amazon to check it out. Thanks for the review.

  11. Brenda, you recently mentioned the DuraFlame stove no longer does auto shut down. I worry about that. Do you have a carbon monoxide poisoning detector?
    That book sounds very intriguing! I’d read it.

  12. I’m smiling at the photo of Charlie and Ivy lying next to each other. He has his head turned away from her. I’m imagining he’s sighing and thinking “what I have to put up with! It used to be so peaceful around here.”

  13. Hello Brenda,

    I must have 2 odd cats (not related) because I live on the coast of Ecuador and have Gecko’s, roaches and even had a crab inside my place. Neither cat took much notice.

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