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  1. It’s not the heat, but the humidity! That is what my mom always said. I love the heat, but not the mugginess. I am still working from home, not getting dressed really except for being back in church Sunday morning. I get a shower, comb out my wet hair and then I tell dear hubby that i need my hair braided. I don’t like it in my face or on my neck in the summer. I like it kept back and up off my neck. My boys are still picky, but my two boys asked to get their haircuts shorter, but not buzzed for the summer. They have blonde hair and fair skin, so no shorter than 1/2” on the top to avoid sunburning. Hubby cut his own hair much shorter for the summer, and took his beard down low, but not shaved. He is retired military, so keeping the beard is part of his retired self image. I prefer his hair kept shorter, so I gave him plenty of compliments and told him how sexy he looks. He does a lot of work on the farm, so he is sweaty when he comes in. But he is doing wood cutting and splitting as well as garden chores. We are still making runs to get groceries and Home Depot and Tractor Supply, plus we are getting into our summer routine, some trips to the lake and swim. And every night we like eating on the deck. We are doing campfires and making smores. Life on the farm is hard work, but I love it.

  2. There is much contentment in the simple routines of each day as well as peaceful and pretty surroundings.

  3. Getting to a point in life where you one say “I no longer care” is a very liberating place to be. Contentment is a wonderful place to be… dare I say preferable to being happy (at least in my mind)?
    You have created a wonderful oasis for you and your fur babies!!!!

  4. Charlie’s haircut looks great! I like the idea of a fountain…even a small one…

  5. This is lovely, Brenda. Been thinking of you as we come up on this Juneteenth; we all know Tulsa will get ‘hot’ this weekend. Hope you’re settling in for a quiet , safe, weekend at home-your daughters as well. Be safe.

  6. I loved this post. Yes, it is wonderful to reach the place in your life where you are content with yourself and your surroundings. I am experiencing this feeling myself, and it is good to be alive.

  7. Wonderful post, Brenda. Thank you. I think as we grow older, the small joys become the great joys.
    Have a peaceful week-end.

  8. The photos you take of your flowers and garden are soooooo beautiful. Some of my blooms are beautiful too, but I don’t have anywhere near your talent at taking photos. It’s a gift and a talent that is developed over time, part instinct, part learning by experience. I know what I want to do with the camera, but I just can’t ever get it to do what I would like it to do, LOL. Well, taking photos is not my forte, I just have to accept that. That’s why I don’t invest in a newer better camera. It bugs me, too, that technology deliberately MAKES things that are not inexpensive become obsolete, although I still use my 5 pixel Nikon which, when I bought it, was a true splurge. I was still working at the time though, and used part of an income tax refund to buy it – it cost several hundred dollars at the time! And now I’m just supposed to junk it? NO WAY. Stay safe in your beautiful sanctuary and physical ode to nature, Brenda.

  9. Lovely post today Brenda. Reminded me of the need to be content with what we have. So many blessings. You really are a constant gardener!!! I know your plants and four legged friends are grateful for your love and care. Be well.

  10. The peace and beauty of your words nearly lulled me to sleep, as if I were gently rocked in a shaded hammock, sheltered by a bounty of leaves. So many frantic people out there, desperately grasping for things they think will make them happy. They’d be so envious to see what you have found in your small-space paradise, kept company by two little busy balls of furry personality!
    Please, please, please, Brenda, stay safe from the chaos that’s coming to a head tomorrow in your city. Selfishness. Anger. Arrogance. It’s evil. The polar opposite of the way you live.

  11. A very peaceful post that I enjoyed very much. I can almost hear the tinkling of your wind chimes.

  12. What a lovely post. Truly the simple things in life are the most satisfying. I think this realization is a big benefit of being older.

  13. Contentment is what we all strive for. When we’re young we are materialistic and goal driven and later we want less and less and desire tranquility and peace. Life has to teach us.
    P.S. I talk to my hosta.

  14. What a peaceful post, so calming. I agree with all the things you do and the reasons and feelings behind them. Sometimes with age comes wisdom and feelings of knowing and accepting who you are and being at peace with those feelings. We are so blessed and happier when we get to that level of calm. Everyone enjoy your day!

  15. Contentment for me, is living alone with my two pets, tending to my little plant garden, and at peace with who I am.
    It is hard to understand why many folks look outward, whether for material items or other people to make them whole. Maybe that comes with age, maybe not;
    I know some older folks pretty angry with life.
    Maybe it’s introspection and looking within. It has been for me at least.
    I enjoy your blog so much.
    It is nice to know that there are people like me out there, in this crazy world.
    Thanks, Brenda.

  16. I love looking at your garden .Glad to hear the weather has cooled down.Ivy and Charlie are so precious.Have a great day.

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