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  1. I’ve learned that there are lots of things about cardinals I didn’t know! Can’t seem to visualize “anting.” I’d love to see a yellow cardinal!

  2. I cannot visualize a Cardinal anting itself without thinking that it must look like it’s applying deodorant.

  3. Thank you for so much for giving us the information about the Cardinals. They are my favorite bird and also my mother loved them too! As Kris said, whenever I see a cardinal I feel my mother’s presence and it gives me so much comfort!

  4. I have a big smile on my face right now. I loved reading about the birds and all the interesting facts but when I got to the end I laughed out loud when the pic of Ivy showed up. Of course, she likes the birds. Great blog and hugs to Ivy!

  5. Hi Brenda 🌼
    Loved your post on cardinals!
    A good learning experience 👌
    They are simply gorgeous birds. Coloring in each is just so beautiful. ❤ We have them in Illinois. My youngest sister longs to hear the male cardinal sing, come into our yard. They are very musical. 🎵 🎶 Great post!! Thanks for sharing! ❤

  6. Cardinals are my favorite birds. They are gorgeous and I did not know all these facts so thanks for sharing. I also believe that when a cardinal is near so is a love one that has passed on. Since my mom died I occasionally see a female cardinal and I feel it is my mom’s way of saying she is near. Have a great rest of the week.

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