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  1. I hope you feel better soon. Have you considered taking Turmeric? It won’t hurt and it may help the sciatica. I know you have limitations because of your ankle so you can’t do stretching exercises. I had periformis syndrome when I was still working and it was awful. I would do leg stretches at the copy machine which was set off in a little room away from my office. The stretches hurt like the dickens but they did help cut way down on the pain. The periformis syndrome seemed to go away after I retired in January 2015. Then in 2016 I had a really bad attack of sciatica while I was out of town visiting a friend and attending her daughter’s college graduation. I managed to get around, limping and dragging my left leg. It was awful, it hurt so bad. That’s when I did research online and read about curcumin which is in Turmeric. It comes in capsule form, you can buy it online or at pharmacies in the supplements section. I get all I need just by eating a tablespoon of yellow mustard every day spread on two slices of 12 grain bread (really delish!) on a sandwich with meat and cheese. I have a friend who just swallows a whole spoon full of yellow mustard every morning – but I have to “hide” mine a little. Since then, I have not had ANY pain or issues with the sciatica. There are other supplements that may work too, to reduce the muscle inflammation that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Love the squirrel pictures. My front yard especially for some reason this year is filled with holes where the squirrels have been busy burying their stashes. Never saw this many stashes since I’ve lived here (9 years). Maybe it’s true that we’re going to have a very hard snowy and cold winter this year in the Midwest, and the squirrels are getting ready for it.

  2. I’ve had one attack of sciatica, and I hope I never have another. It was probably 13 or 14 years ago, and it caused me fits for months, but finally settled down. It is very painful and uncomfortable. Thankfully at the time we had good health insurance because during the worst of it I was going to the chiropractor 3 times/week. I’m looking forward to the day you tell us it has calmed down for you too.

  3. Good evening Brenda,
    I am sorry about your back. I have you in my prayers for relief from your pain.
    I am happy that you have that scooter from Steve. I am sure that it makes scooting around a lot easier.
    I hope that you had time to chat with Steve about his trip to Scotland and maybe see some photos. I have been several times and it is my favorite place in the world.
    Take your time and enjoy the garden, squirrels and your friends that are able to come to visit. As for the rest…do what you can.
    I would love to know how you added that little video to your side bar. I will have to email you for a tutorial on how to make it and add one to mine.
    Have a wonderful week Brenda.

  4. We started watching Van Der Valk on PBS and found it hard to remember what happened in part one when we watched part 2 a week later – turns out it is one 90 minute show!

    1. I’m enjoying the show. The main character is a bit on the rough side, but that’s also why he’s appealing.

  5. Hi Brenda,
    I am new to your website and just love the beautiful photos you take. How talented! Your plants and flowers are beautiful also. It is warm here today in NH. I look forward to the cooler weather and the leaves fully turning. It is so pretty here in the fall and winter(though pretty cold.)
    I am a retired cardiac nurse and after 38 years I retired but not without lots of damage to my body. Working so many xtra hours and overtime did me in. I loved it and never thought to stop. I also have sciatica and piriformis syndrome. The pain is down my leg into my foot. Driving is very challenging since it is my right leg. Many times I have to pull of the road until the tightness and spasm quiet down.
    I did find an excellent therapist that worked with me on the piriformis muscle, mine overlies the sciatic never hense the pain ,etc.
    I think one of your followers recommended some exercises for this.
    Each day is a struggle and my day takes so long to complete.
    I do wish you luck and just go slowly.


    1. I was just reading this morning about the piriformis muscle. I feel like all I do is go slow. But then I was always a full speed ahead do it all right now kind of gal. It’s humbling to realize my body isn’t up to it anymore, but my mind is. Welcome!

  6. Like you, I find myself watching PBS Masterpiece shows quite often! A new season of Annika airs mid October & I am looking forward to it. This year I have also enjoyed Magpie Murders and the Endeavor series (9 seasons)!
    I hope your back begins to show some improvement for you. I know what it’s like to live w chronic pain and it is not easy. Do whatever you can to keep your spirits up as that is important to healing – even sitting by a sunny window can elevate one’s demeanor. Only a suggestion – your primary doc may want to run some tests to rule out your kidneys etc. He/she can also refer you out if it is a sciatica issue.

    1. She just ran labs last Monday. There’s always something a little high about the kidney test results, but she hasn’t said anything. Is there a correlation?

  7. Your little squirrel friend is so cute, burying nuts to save for winter. How cute is that? I’m glad Steve is able to do all the traveling and is enjoying himself. I’ve always heard a body in motion, stays in motion, so your advice to take care of your body is spot on! When will your neighbor be fully moved in? I’m sorry your back is still hurting you. I can definately relate. The last time my back hurt, it lasted a few months, and I don’t even know what I did to make that happen. It was so frustrating. It really limits you,and that’s, of course, when you want to do a million things, and you can’t!

    1. Earlier I was reading about someone online who said it took one to two years to work out the sciatica. And I thought: Heavens, I’m not a youngster here! Surely it can go a little faster!

  8. I too sleep with a leg pillow and it helps so much. My neck has been acting up a lot lately and it so painful. Not fun growing old.

    Yesterday i watched a squirrel play in my oak tree right outside my window. What a cute little guy he is. All over that tree!

    1. I’ve been sleeping with a pillow between my knees for ages. Yes, it’s hell getting old. And then you realize it’s gonna get worse most likely as every year passes.

  9. You watch some very interesting shows on TV. Your posts always leave me intrigued.
    Please remember you do what you can when you can. Don’t put pressure on yourself, Brenda.

    1. There’s just so many things I want to do. Right now I’m reclining and mainly watching apartment-friendly decorating makeovers. Because that’s what I’m able to do right now. Greg tells me I don’t go from 0-10, but 0-100 miles an hour. And he’s probably right.

  10. Hi Brenda! It is the squirrels busy time of year. The weather was soggy for about a week but this coming week it should be very nice. We are doing much needed Fall cleanup and it’s about killing me. My joints aren’t bothering me, it’s my back and all the muscles in my body ache. What crafts are you considering working on? Wishing you a peaceful week with less pain.

    1. I ordered this air dry clay and wanted to make little leaf trays from leaves I find outside.

  11. Hi Brenda,
    I am sending this exercise page with videos, scroll to where it starts at (1) , You probably are already are of this, but I thought I would send it anyway. I especially get relief from the first exercise. I had back surgery 6 years ago, and I have had sciatica real bad in the past (not related to surgery). I also sleep with a throw pillow between my legs. To roll over in bed, I sleep in the middle of the bed, throw one arm over my body to the side I want to sleep on, Best wishes, Jo

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