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  1. Sending healing thoughts your way, hope the emu oil helps! Woke up to temps in the 40s here in NC this morning, had to break down and turn on the heat for a little while. Ivy so precious, thank you for sharing her with us! I have a photo of my Bella taken when she was a kitten, she was crouched ready to pounce, trying to look scary but failing miserably, lol.

  2. I hope the Emu oil provides some relief for you. It’s not fun to be in constant pain. Ugh!
    Our weather has still been too warm however some much cooler evenings. I’m ready for colder temps!
    I can’t remember the last time I baked and frosted a cake. What a great idea – just for fun and enjoyment.

    1. I like the smell of the kitchen when I’m baking a cake. I enjoy frosting a cake. Now I use a mix. But years ago I always made things from scratch, including pies.

  3. A friend and I went to a big box store and visited the garden center. There was a 50% off clear-out sale and there were lots of people there (on Friday) taking advantage. Three days ago it was in the 80s with high humidity, now it feels nearly winter by contrast! The wind isn’t so fierce today, so I am comfortable outside puttering around in the backyard (with 3 layers and gloves on). We may drop low enough in temperature tonight to have frost so I’ll be covering my florals out front and the newly planted back yard buys with sheets, just in case. You motivated me to pull out my stash of autumn decorations from storage and some are now arranged on the front stoop and the autumn wreath is on the front door. Also bought a cute wreath (on sale) for the side (driveway) door, which usually goes undecorated except for Christmas.

    1. Didn’t you do this last year at the end of summer? Or was it the Christmas stuff after Christmas when they mark everything down?

  4. Look at sweet little Ivy! She’s so precious! And a cake sounds do yummy! Are there no plants that bloom in Fall? What about the potted plants in the stores now? They are all pretty Fall colors. They’d be beautiful to have on your back porch this time of year. You never told us what uppity decided about the bathroom grab bar. What type did you decide to get?

    1. Haven’t gotten a grab bar yet. I like to bake sweets. I used to make bread a lot when my hands weren’t so arthritic.

  5. Hope the Emu oil will help you with your pain. Happy to hear you were able to make a cake and frost it. I haven’t done that for a very long time. In fact, probably when the 3 boys were all home, and I made birthday cakes. VERY long time ago. Now we buy bakery from the grocery store.
    It has been cold in WI too, today 45, and freezing cold during the night. I still have two flower plants in pots, but think I’ll clean those out today. I received two Mums from the boys for my birthday, and they look good so far, and a few pumpkins they bought. The deer and squirrels started to chew on them, but just took little bites that don’t show up too much, and with all the leaves in our yard too, it’s hard to keep up, raking and leaf blowing. But,I do Love fall!!! Have a nice weekend, stay warm. Hugs from WI.

    1. I don’t think anyone around me now ever cooks anything. It’s always me. And then I give most of it away.

  6. Just curious if you’re using ice/heat to help calm down the sciatica attack. When I had mine, the chiropractor recommended ice (or cold) multiple times during the day, and then heat for a while during the night. It really did help.

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