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  1. For me, “coziness” is minimalism. I feel that this style turned out to be the key to my happiness, like when I come home and is see that everything is uncluttered and like.. simple? It brings me joy and I feel that my mind is relaxed, like literally relaxed xuz I don’t have to worry about cleaning and making my things to an order. It keeps me safe and even sane hahaha. White colors of minimalism make me feel that not everything in life is fully bad and black, and that brightness keeps me moving because I don’t feel panic when im not in a mess.

  2. This is definitely not my style. To me, they are boring and sterile. They don’t have any personality and I don’t find them cozy at all. And I have to have pops of color. I wouldn’t really call these rooms “cottage” either. A lot of them are more farmhouse. And I’m so over that trend.

    I know we’re all different and that’s what makes the world go ’round! Hope you’re having a good weekend.

  3. Oh! I absolutely love that bathroom with the green scallops! It’s sooooo pleasing! All white though, gives me HIGH anxiety. I don’t find all white comforting in the least. Now that bedroom with white and tan and textures, I love! I’ve just redone my bedroom to that very type of thing. And I love wood with light colors and texture. Very nice.

    1. Also, when you have less, you notice more!!! No more gallery walls for me. And, I just added a plant to my bedroom and two more to my living room. It really, really changes the vibe!!!

  4. I love the “idea” of minimalism, and the look of a clean, simple, uncluttered space, but… I love all my “stuff.” It (my stuff) also makes me happy, so I’m a little torn. That being said, I get so happy when my space is clean and uncluttered. I think I could be happy in many different settings. Neutral, colorful, uncluttered, or cluttered, as long as it’s with things that are sentimental to me. If all that makes sense, lol. I really enjoyed today’s post!

    1. I’m keeping the things I may put away, as I always love to change things up. So I’m not giving them up. Just storing them for the time being.

  5. The rooms are very pretty and cozy looking but I like splashes of color besides just having plants. I liked all of the white kitchens with minimal items on top of the counters. In reality, how often do their kitchens constantly look that pristine? Mine never looks pristine for more than day and my dish rack is rarely emptied out and put away. Oh well, I think I’m not cut out to be a minimalist.

    1. My dish rack is rarely empty either. And the kitchen is not what I’d call pristine. But these are merely examples of this type of decorating.

  6. Brenda,
    These are absolutely beautiful rooms, however I much prefer the colorful decorating you have done in the past. From farmhouse to cozy cottage to boho, the colors make me happy. I can’t tell you how many of your ideas I have tried to replicate. The lack of color might be relaxing, but IMHO it is not cozy or warm or welcoming. There are some nice touches to add to the colorful pallete though. Sandra

    1. I’m actually adding green to my kitchen. I love color, but I prefer it a bit muted now. I’m still adding color, the colors are just not as bold as before. I haven’t been able to leave my apartment lately due to my ankle, so I want a relaxing look and feel.

  7. You just gave my decorating style a name! I love the pictures you’ve shown today. I decorate only with the things that are necessary or mean something to me. I love the sculptures of artist Shelley Buonaiuto and I couldn’t bear to put them in a closet. Her characters exemplify older people having fun, all of them have a chipped front tooth, and they just make me happy. I’ve acquired a new kitten that was living under the hoods of my cars in our very hot weather and I’m taking a chance by keeping anything I love on display. I always said I would never have another kitten, but what can you do when a baby needs a home? He’s getting a little better except for not being able to give my other black cat, SamElliott, a peaceful moment. It’ll be hard to tell them apart when the tiny terror is grown. He’s about 3 months now and takes a lot of naps in his crate to maintain a certain amount of sanity around here lol. Have a great day, Brenda!

    1. Oh, I love kittens! I just can’t have one with Ivy I don’t think. She didn’t take to the one I had at all and the vet said this should probably be a one pet household.

      1. I remembered that or I would have gladly brought you the precious baby lol. You would have been calling me to come get him or never spoken to me again!

    1. Neither am I. I’m just starting to limit stuff. Ivy is one nosy cat and has to check out everything.

  8. Brenda, I hope you are having a good day. You are speaking my language with this post. My home has small windows and is quite dark and I love white to decorate with. And green, lots of plants!

  9. Love this post, now I’m rethinking my color palate, maybe a few tweeks are in order……

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